Monday, November 25, 2019

Exercise and Physical Activity Essay

Exercise and Physical Activity Essay Exercise and Physical Activity Essay Consumer Fitness Workout Log You will need to document six hours (or 360 minutes) to include a variety of physical activity. A variety of physical activity can be defined as a minimum of three different activities. Students are expected to log activities multiple times per week for each week enrolled in the HOPE course. You cannot complete and receive credit for HOPE course if you do not complete each of the topic workout logs. Please save this document to your computer. (You will need to add the necessary rows to the table below until you have a total of 360 minutes of physical activity.) Make sure you complete the entire Workout log, including the Reflections and the Fitness Test Comparisons. Student Name: Toni Randall As you complete your physical activities in this topic, you will be â€Å"field testing† a product of your choice and reflecting upon whether or not this product actually helped you to achieve the goal you thought that it would. (Note: Field testing products should not include products such as diet pills, vitamin water, or other ingested substances without the direct supervision of your physician.) Please define a measurable physical activity goal related to a specific area of fitness you think this product will improve that relates to improving your performance in a specific activity. Goal: I aspire to _do better in my workouts________________________________ no later than ____oct 6________. (worth 20 points) Examples: I aspire to drink at least 20 ounces of water from my XYZ Water Bottle during each of my workouts no later than May 20th, 2009. I believe that my XYZ Water Bottle will help me stay better hydrated during my workouts. †¨ Date Warm-up Physical Activity Intensity (Light, Medium, or High) Cool-Down Minutes 4/22/09 Walking Jogging Medium Quadriceps, hamstring, and calf stretches 50 9/12/13 Stretching safely Running High Calf 10 9/14/13 Jump jacks cheering Light butterflies 40 9/16/13 squats basketball High jogging 70 9/18/13 running walking Light Sit ups 30 9/19/13 Push -ups Lifting weights Medium planks 25

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